Speaking from experience, making reservations ahead of time is a must for these popular destinations. Don’t forget to do your homework… you’ll need a plan. Find a map online and notate what trails you want to visit and how much time they will take round-trip. Depending on the time of year you wish to visit will also determine the necessary equipment you’ll need to make your hiking adventure all that more pleasant. Comfortable hiking and water shoes, thermal waterproof knee-high socks, and a refillable water bottle should all be packed in your lightweight backpack. Now with these tips, you are one step closer to a successful hiking trip to the following top must-visit places.
Havasupai – A Hidden Gem
Supai, Arizona
Found within the Havasupai Reservation, at the Southwest corner of the Grand Canyon National Park, this hike is not an easy one, but it is the most rewarding. The water flows through Havasu Creek and rocks full of minerals which create the dreamy blue green colored waters that flow down their many waterfalls. From Havasupai Hilltop Campground to Mooney Falls (the very last waterfall on the trail) will take an experienced hiker over a day, so plan for an overnight stay along the way, preferably 2-3 days to enjoy the experience and picture perfect views. Havasupai Lodge is the closest lodging available, only 1.2 miles from Lower Navajo Falls “Rock Falls” and 1.8 miles from Havasu Falls. Luckily, there is also a campground available between Havasu Falls and Mooney Falls. An affordable helicopter transportation service is available for those who lack the time or physical ability to hike one or both ways.
Zion National Park – Bring The Family With You!
Springdale, Utah
If you are into travel and nature, you must have heard of Zion National Park in Southern Utah. The top perks I appreciate from National Parks are that most offer shuttle buses through the park and free tours or programs to entertain and educate the little ones. The destination is popular for its trails leading to and through mountains, tunnels, waterfalls, and streams. Families and adventurers of all ages are welcome to go at their preferred pace thanks to trails offering easy, moderate, and experienced difficulty levels. Bring a swimsuit and safe-seal waterproof backpack during spring and fall, you may just need to go all in.
Need a place to stay? Zion Ponderosa Ranch Resort is a great option. The ranch offers fun glamping accommodations inside tents, wagons, and cabins.
Image Credits: GoogleMaps, Campfirestyle.com, NPS

Meyling “Mey” Martinez is a travel and outdoor enthusiast born in the tropical island of Cuba and raised in Las Vegas, NV. Consumed by wanderlust and inspired by nature and the fascinating world outside of her doors, she has set sail to visit new destinations. Mey enjoys hiking new trails and visiting national and state parks along with other wonders of the world. Forever an explorer at heart with an adventurous soul, she enjoys sharing her experiences and the latest on travel and glamping through blogging.